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TDS Based Automatic Boiler Blow Down System
VOLFRAM offers reliable & complete solution for TDS Based Automatic Boiler Blow Down System.
The system comprises a sensor chamber with conductivity sensor with inbuilt temperature sensor, mounted in bypass to the Manual Blow down Valve.
The sensor is connected to the controller that monitors and displays the TDS inside Boiler and takes the control action whenever necessary.
The TDS level inside the boiler varies with:
Feed water TDS:
If the feed water TDS increases then the Boiler TDS increases quickly for the same steam load.
Steam Load:
If the steam load increases then the Boiler TDS increases quickly for the same Feed Water TDS.
To maintain the level of Total Dissolve Solids (TDS) inside the boiler within the permissible limit, boiler water is drained periodically from the boiler. Following are the two methods used for the same.
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